Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 11-20 of 87

Mexican Real Estate

by Mako Britz


by Mako Britz

Mako went to alaska to meet a real estate agent that cranks out 600 home sales a year in the hopes to learn a few things. Here is the scenery along the way

Contact Creek

by Mako Britz

Mako has arrived in Contact Creek, Yukon!

Why Alsaka?

by Mako Britz

Why is Mako going to Alaska?

Vancouver WA

by Mako Britz

I was driving down to Portland for my cousins 40th BDay party and decided to take an alternate route. Amazing scenery on the way down. PS, thats me on the guitar. 

Derek Doubleday Arboretom

by Mako Britz

Mako talks about a great little park called Derek Doubleday Arboretom in Murreyville Langley. 

Stoney Creek East Abbotsford...

by Mako Britz

Stoney Creek East Abbotsford... another hot little area in Abby.

A golden little area in East Abbotsford to raise your kids

by Mako Britz

Mako talks about another golden little area in East Abbotsford to raise your kids. If you have any questions about Real Estate please feel free to email Mako at

Makos Electric Car

by Mako Britz

A golden nugget of Abbotsford B.C

by Mako Britz

Mako is in a private 3 acre park owned by the home owners on the streets Highfield, Hyatt, Grosvenor, Beecroft and Birch. Once a year every home pays $100 for the upkeep of the park and it is for the exclusive use of the home owners. Mako and his father have sold many homes in this area. Its area's like this that make Abbotsford a truly awesome place to live 

Displaying blog entries 11-20 of 87